Welcome! In this web-world saturated with blogs and sites i'm so excited you found me! I hope you find something here to help you in your hosting endeavors. I started this blog early in 2015 as a creative outlet for me. I spend so much time and energy planning parties that it helps me feel a little less silly if I feel like someone else is benefiting from all my leg-work. I left the world of corporate event planning over 5 years ago when my oldest was born and we made the decision that I would stay home. As it turns out planning a 3 year olds birthday party is not all that different than planning a corporate retreat for 200 people!
I love to hear from readers so drop me a comment or email. And when the party is said and done- kick your feet up, relax, and send me some pictures! You can always contact me via: partylikeacherry@gmail.com
*A word about affiliate links: I am partnered with Amazon and all of my amazon links are affiliate links. This means that if you purchase something through a link on my website I earn a small commission. Thank you so much for supporting my site!